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Empower Your Team, Secure Your Data, Boost Growth

Save time and money by reducing IT friction. Maximise productivity with cloud technology. Get enterprise-level IT expertise at an SME price point. NHS trusts, finance companies and SMEs rely on PSTG. You can too.

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Mircosoft Gold Parnter

How Safe Is Your Data? How Secure Is Your IT System?

Prevent catastrophic data breaches. Get advanced multi-layered cybersecurity: robust firewalls, encryption, IT monitoring and intrusion detection. Comply with GDPR and ISO 27001. Health trusts, banks and finance companies depend on PSTG. Discover why...

Get An IT Security Audit
Mircosoft Gold Parnter

Enterprise-Level Expertise At SME Prices

Transform your organisation with comprehensive cloud solutions. Powerful cybersecurity protection. Seamless system integration. Scalable, reliable and cost-effective IT infrastructure management. Secure data management and compliance (GDPR, ISO 27001).
Succeed because of your IT system – not in spite of it.

Ask Us How
Mircosoft Gold Parnter

How PSTG’s Proven Expertise Can Drive Your Success

Discover how our expertise and years of experience have helped UK health trusts and reinsurance/global benefits professionals to work smarter and more productively.

Read Our Case Studies
Mircosoft Gold Parnter
Our Mission

Making Life Easier With IT You'll Enjoy Using

Empowering the transformation of your digital workplace – benefiting you, helping society.


Healthcare IT Solutions

Safeguard patients’ critical data with secure NHS-compliant cloud solutions that flex to meet your Trust’s unique requirements. Transform outdated and expensive legacy systems. Stop IT interoperability issues that can cause inefficiencies and errors in patient care.

Ensure operational continuity with reliable data backup and disaster recovery. Overcome IT budget challenges and meet tight project deadlines. Get seamless integration, minimal disruption and optimum value from a proactive solutions provider with extensive experience of solving NHS IT challenges.

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SME IT Solutions

Unrelenting challenges force SME owner/founders to wear many hats: IT shouldn’t be one of them. You have better things to do – such as growing your business.

Outsource your IT headaches. Get enterprise-level expertise at an attractive SME price point.

Microsoft Gold Partner PSTG’s cloud technology helps you to: save time and cut costs, maximise IT system uptime, safeguard vital data, stay ahead of competitors, implement and enhance remote working, comply with regulations, focus on strategic business growth and more.

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Enabling smarter working across all sectors



Think of PSTG as an Extension of Your Existing Team

Our passionate experts work closely with your current team to identify the challenges you’re facing and then collaborate on creative solutions. Learn more about who we are, the accreditations we have and what drives us.

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We Helped an NHS Trust Cut Data Storage by 72%

See how we helped an NHS Trust eliminate backup concerns and improve data protection without overburdening existing IT resources.

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